Thursday, April 4, 2013

essay prep.

Hello, Nice to me you. My name is Kaya. I am Japanese woman. I am nineteen years old. My birthday is January. I graduated from high school. and I am now  KGU university student. I study English at university. But I am not good at English. I think it is difficult. My hobby is playing the piano, drawing picture and reading books. Do you have a hobby? I like cats .because It is very cute. What animal do you like? I like sweets. What food do you like? I don’t have any allergies. Do you have any? I want to study English there. If I make a mistake in English grammar, Please be free to correct my English. I also want to know your country and culture. If I show me wrong manners, Please be free to correct me. I will bring some Japanese things for you. What do you want? But it want be expensive. My Family is mother and grandfather. My mother is spirited. My grandmother is gentle. I am an only child. I want to know your family. I am nervous to stay at your home. But I will enjoy my stay there. I can cook Japanese food a little. I want to treat you to a meal. I am happy to suit your plate. Do you like cooking? I think it is interesting. How do your area’s climate? Cold? Hot? My area is Celsius 0~10 today. It is cold. I will stay to study English. I am looking forward to seeing you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Kaya,

    This looks like your first post on this blog. Do you have any other blogs (on other blogging services)?

    Cheers, PB

  3. Hello,I don't have other blogs.

  4. Hello again, Kaya.

    Is this an essay post, or an essay prep. post? You've labeled it as an essay ("essays").

    Please let me know. Thanks.

