Friday, May 10, 2013

Essay 1-02a University Life

I be admitted to university to study English and qualification. I will get qualification a librarian and TOEIC next year. I want to 550 score at TOEIC. And I will get a car license this year. I usually eat lunch with my friend of university in bakery or a lecture room or a students’ dining hall or a restaurant. I like to eat with my friend. And I talk with my friend at after school. And I go to shopping with my friend at holiday. I enjoy it. I don’t belonging club. My goal is make friend. It is for that I want to hold out. I live dormitory in Kumamoto. It is share room. My friend of high school is me same share room. We often talk about university. And I usually cook in dormitory. I interest to cook. I have many classes. I have 16 subjects in spring term. I have 19 subjects in fall term. It include a librarian qualification. International society and Japan class is strict. Christianity introduction class is kind. I have a report of Japanese modern history class. I am difficult homework in speaking class and writing class. I think good to listen easy test in Japanese history introduction. I plan to travel with my friend in Kyoto in this year. I will enjoy it. Because I like a temple and Yatuhashi and powdered green tea. And  I want to go to the united kingdom. So I study English there and sightseeing. I had go to library in university. I often borrow book. I had go to study room. But I never watch DVD in library. I want to watch DVD in library. I don’t do part-time job. But I had do part-time job when high school student. And I will do part-time job next year.


  1. Will you get librarian??
    Do you like books??

  2. Your essay is very good! I could understand that you live a full life from this essay. Are you go to car driving school now? If you go to there, I can tell you about it. So I have car driving licence. I had Christianity introduction class in last year too. I think that it is easy class too. At the final, I think that you have to make a paragraph. You will do your best!


  3. I recommend that you include a blank space in your essay, so your essay would be better than it.
    I think that your goal is wonderful, I really respect you! I wish your goal comes true. By the way, what kind of part time job do you want to do in next year?

  4. Your essay is good.
    What your favorite dishes that you can cook?
    I knew you live in dormitory for the first time, it looks difficult.
    For improving, i recommend you to use blank lines.
